Day Camp

在索莱伯里学校日营,我们保持 我们的营员忙于各种各样的活动,建立他们的信心, help them learn and grow, and keep them smiling! 我们的员工喜欢和孩子们一起度过夏天, 我们致力于让每一天都成为值得回忆和珍惜的时光. 我们的小尺寸为孩子们提供了我们认为他们需要的关注, 我们的灵活性和额外的服务使今天的父母受益.


Ages: 从幼儿园到七年级
Dates: 日期:2024年6月24日至8月2日,六次为期一周的会议
Week 1: June 24 - June 28 
Week 2: July 1 - 5 (no camp 7/4)
Week 3: July 8 - 12
Week 4: July 15 - 19
Week 5: July 22 - 26 
Week 6: July 29 - August 2 

2024 RATES

Weekly Rate: $525 / $425 4th of July week
Aftercare: $30 per day, $125 for the week
报名参加所有6周的课程,总共可以获得300美元的折扣! Use code 6WKREG

  • Monday through Friday, 9:00a.m. - 3:15p.m.
  • Lunch and two snacks provided daily
  • 营员可以参加任何周的组合
  • 营员按刚完成的年级分组 & based on enrollment
  • Camper-to-staff ratio 4:1
  • Peanut-free camp

从游戏和游泳到科学和自然, camp-ins, special events and more, our summers are busy, exciting, and fun! 


Small Size

营员按年龄划分,目标群体规模为14-18人. We keep a camper to staff ratio of 4 to 1 to ensure that your child will be in a place where they are known, understood and safe.


Campers participate in various activities each day on our beautiful, 140-acre campus. 每年我们都努力根据营员的喜好提供活动. Some activities might include:

Swimming: 露营者每天在Solebury的太阳能室外游泳池游泳. Like everything else at Solebury, this activity is a combination of instruction (from basic swimming to junior lifesaving) and play (free swim, pool games, and diving). 泳池里总有持证救生员.

Sports: Sports: We believe children should be allowed to be children and that sports should be fun! 足球等运动的指导, wiffleball, 篮球将与新老游戏相结合.  Some examples of this are Capture the Flag, Kick the Cone and the always popular, Red Rover!

Art: We let kids' imaginations run wild! Campers learn to draw, paint, sculpt—but mainly, they learn to have fun with art!

Flex: This activity sometimes has campers working together as they learn how to problem-solve as a team, sometimes they will be doing individual activities such as making friendship bracelets and sometimes they will get a voice in what they’d like to do that period.  This is why it’s called “Flex”! 在他们做什么和选择如何做方面是灵活的!

2024年将会有一些新的活动!!! STAY TUNED!

Special Events for Summer 2024

因为我们的营员只和我们一起度过他们夏天的一部分时间, 我们每周都会举办一个活动/主题,这样每周都很特别!

From water experiments to a talent show to our annual camp-in (for older campers), 一些特别的活动是索伯里学校日营的传统, 其他的对我们的老营员来说是新的.

Week 1: June 24-28, 2024
Wet and Wacky Week 

“又湿又怪”无疑概括了索莱伯里日营的第一周. Water balloon fights, special pool games, sprinklers throughout campus and even a super wacky FOAM PARTY make this one of campers' favorite weeks! 小心那些可能会给你一个超级大泡的导演! 


Join us as we begin what we hope will become another favorite camp tradition! This week we will celebrate a year's worth of holidays in just 4 days since we lose a day to the 4th of July. Campers can look forward to a Halloween Costume Parade and trick or treating, a Thanksgiving lunchtime banquet, 庆祝十二月假期的冬季仙境, Valentines and more! 

Week 3: July 8-12, 2024
Special Visitors Week

This week we will have a few very special visitors to lead us in some super fun activities! 在前几年,这包括魔术师斯图尔特(一个营地的最爱), 家庭娱乐健身和富兰克林研究所. This year's special visitors are still TBD but are guaranteed to bring a whole bunch of fun with them!

Week 4: July 15-19, 2024
Talent Show Week 

这个活动是夏季的亮点之一! 那些愿意的人可以在营地的其他地方展示他们的才能. 年轻的营员通常和他们的辅导员一起表演. Participation is encouraged for all but even spectators enjoy this awesome event!!

Week 5: July 22-26, 2024
Camp In Week (7/26)

On Friday of this week, campers in Group 4 and up are invited to stay once the traditional camp day ends for our Annual Camp-In! Activities include scavenger hunts, free swim, campfires, smores, dance parties and outdoor movies. Pick up is at 9:30.  For younger campers this week we make sure to have some special outdoor activities including smores and more "camping" age-appropriate fun!

Week 6: July 29-August 2, 2024
Spirit Week 

A variety of special days including group matching day and sports jersey day that culminates with our 2-day, all-camp Olympics. We'll end the season with a special gathering of campers where we express our gratitude for another summer together, 看一看我们美好回忆的幻灯片,然后说再见。

Our Staff

我们的工作人员包括老师、辅导员和一名营地护士. The staff is handpicked by the Camp Co-Directors Julie Laing and Leila Crooks, 他们在索莱伯里学校日营工作了21年. We select counselors who share our love of children and who are dedicated to providing them with a fun and educational summer. 我们的大多数工作人员从他们还是露营者的时候就一直在营地!


To make our parents' summers as enjoyable and stress-free as your children's...

Food is included. We provide the campers with a hot and cold lunch (several choices) and two snacks every day. We are a peanut-free camp . We offer a range of options for children including vegetarian and non-vegetarian entrees, 大量的沙拉和三明治吧, 向日葵黄油和果冻三明治(喜欢PB的露营者)&(我喜欢),还有各种新鲜水果. 早上提供水果点心,下午提供冰淇淋/冰棍!

Aftercare is an option. 我们提供下午护理,直到下午五点半.m. 每天额外30美元,或者每个孩子每周额外125美元. You can pay for this service up front if you know how often you will be using it, 或者你也可以按需使用,整个夏天都要付费.

 A Flexible Enrollment Policy. 我们允许家庭报名参加为期一周到六周的夏令营. 我们有一个核心营员小组(80人左右),他们在这里待了整整六个星期, and we have lots of families who include us as a portion of their summer plans.

注册费包括所有活动和旅行, insurance, materials, lunch and snacks, and a T-shirt for each child. 每名营员每周需交100美元的押金. 所有夏令营的付款截止日期为2023年5月1日. Any camper that is not paid in full forfeits their deposit and will lose their spot in camp.


  • 全额注册退款减去100美元的押金将在5月1日之前获得
  • 5月2日至5月15日退营,退费75%
  • 5月15日至6月15日退营,退费50%
  • 6月15日后退营:恕不退款